The worst killing of policemen since 9/11 the media has reported. The worst direct attack on the police in 60 years another headline declared. An attack on 11 policemen in Dallas with 5 killed so far. Why? It was a protest march following the senseless death of two blacks in Louisiana and Minnesota. The issue causing the protest? Racism among the police.
Of course, the majority of our police are helpful to the public and no guilty of racism. It is interesting to note that, while the officers were being shot at by the snipers in Dallas, other officers were protecting the public and herding them away from the dangerous area. Both black and white protesters were being protected by the police who were overseeing a protest against their own kind!
Yet there is little doubt that racism is a major factor in the American fabric of society. Few would deny that blacks and other minorities get a raw deal when it comes to American justice. Profiling may not be approved by many police departments, but public opinion and testimony undeniably attests to its pervasive reality.
I am convinced that our ignorance about the reality of Noah's Ark and the survival of humankind is not unrelated by any means to the above tragedy in today's America. Why? Because Noah's Ark had only eight people aboard, including the wives. All of our so-called races descended from these eight. How could this be?
We must remember that Noah's family were only 10 generations removed from Adam and Eve. Recent anthropological studies indicate that the existence of an original prototypical Eve is even an accepted fact in scientific circles. So how could all our races come from Eve?
Let us clarify the matter a little first. The notion of race as we understand it today was purely an invention of the late 19th century when scientists began an obsession with speciating everything. In actual fact, there was only one human race because everyone could marry and beget children from those marriages. What few realize is that mother Eve was created with a vast genetic pool capable of begetting children of every possible phenotype we know of today. In Eve's womb lay the capacity to bear a child of every skin colour, nose shape, hair type and other characteristics. And the Bible itself declares that Adam and Eve bore far more children than just Cain, Abel and Seth: "After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters." (Gen 5:4 NKJV) Thus, there was no problem with Adam and Eve's sons marrying their daughters because, as of yet, there were no harmful mutations to weaken the line and therefore no need for any consanguinity laws.
By the time of Noah, the genetic pool was still vast for the wives. It is entirely possible that Shem, Ham and Japheth looked very different from each other yet still produced offspring of no consistent racial features. Secular history teaches us that the offspring of Ham were sometimes black as with the Cushites yet sometimes blonde-haired and blue-eyed as with the Amorites (the Amurri according to Assyriologist, Archibald Sayce of Oxford U.). The Phoenicians were also descended from Ham and it is quite likely red hair was a common feature among them. And so, all of the physical types of human beings we have today in our world descended from Noah's sons and their wives and every possible physical trait was part of the diversity that ensued. Few people realize therefore, the silliness of racial theories and how they have no justification in separating peoples from each other.
Before the 19th century, race was equated with nationhood. Historians spoke of the American race when they knew full well Americans were descended from just about every ethnicity. So while there are clans and tribes and ethnicities that do bear unique physical traits and characteristics, there are no races in the world except the human race.
This is not to say that cultures do not divide. They certainly do. And sometimes, the major part of culture is religion and religions most certainly do divide. Yet there is even a bit of hypocrisy here, too. While many Westerners are annoyed by special dress worn by Muslims and Sikhs that share their communities, apparently it was always acceptable for Catholic nuns to go about wearing their habits and standing out! Of course, a society becomes entrenched in its own traditions and closes the door to the latecomers.
Therefore, the historical existence of Noah's Ark might actually have contained something far more than just the basic animal types of our planet: It may have contained the answer to our modern racism problems! We all belong to the same human race. It is the evolutionary theory that promotes races and speciation. The late J. Philippe Rushton was a Canadian evolutionist whose book, Race, Evolution and Behavior, attracted considerable controversy when he was alive because of its thesis that different ethnicities were either progressed or regressed from an evolutionary standpoint. While admittedly opposed by other scientists during his life, Darwin himself never saw the black man as the equal of the white nor, for that matter, the female human equal to the male. Remember, one of the original titles for Darwin's classic book was The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
If only the larger lesson of Noah's Ark were known widely and accepted by our world today. What a difference it might make!
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